Thursday, January 17, 2008

Another review of profiles

I mentioned a few posts back about Jason Moore Photography's blog
and he is looking back on some of the interviews he's had in the past year.
Yep, I'm in there again- but I encourage you to go and take a look at how cool everyone else's answer was to the question "What would be your most important piece of advice about life?"

For anyone who doesn't want to MAKE THE JUMP, here is my reply:
“Balance –Don’t forget about the important people in your life, other things beside photography that need to be taken care of. It’s so easy to forget that too. I am the kind of person that can be out driving somewhere and will say “Oooh, let me stop and make a quick photo of that interesting (insert person/tree/brook/scenic/ here) – the lights almost right!” and then an hour later I’m still not done. Trust me You may enjoy the moment, but the person beside you may get a little tired of the indulgence.” - Clayton Spangler

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Blogger  said...

Life - I could've lived without it.

Stay on groovin' safari,

4:29 PM  

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