Friday, November 24, 2006

Turkey Time!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
I know I'm a day late ( blame it on the pumpkin pie....)
I hope everyone found something to be thankful for this thanksgiving -
Now, on to Christmas!!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

PPWV Program Speaker

Well, it's official today- I have agreed to be a speaker at the Professional Photographers of West Virginia's Spring Conference. Im schedules for Sunday Feb. 11th, 2007 at 1:00pm. my topic will be "Nature and Scenic Photography"
I was honored to have been asked and look forward to the event!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Back in the saddle....

First, let me thank everyone who emailed and called wondering about me and why I haven't been around the "blog" lately... AS some of you know- I had taken ill suddenly at the beginning of last week- I didn't end up in the hospital after all; but it wouldn't have taken much!
I either had a bacterial or viral infection that hit me and put me down for a while. I am still feeling the effects, but I am back at work and expect a full recovery.
Again ; thanks to everyone for their concern!
( I would post photos....but we REALLY don't want to go there....)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Fall comes to the Falls

A different view of the Upper Falls near Holly River State Park.

Not able to post photos

Well, I've heard about this problem happening to other Bloggers- now it's my turn. I tried to upload photos and the blogger controls aren't working. I'll post as soon as it is up again...