Monday, March 24, 2008

Old Train Station

I was doing a bit of mentoring with a fellow photographer this weekend, and one of the locations we went to was an old train station near Gauley Bridge in WV.
It's been abandoned for a long time and I wouldn't recomend going in- but here's a view from one of the open doors.
I always wonder what places were like when they were new, or at their peak of operations, becuase you just know there was a lot of activity here at one time!

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Updated photo galleries

I’ve just updated the design and photos on my website
Check it out and let me know what you think- The rest of the website will catch up to the “Galleries” very soon…
*NOTE* It does have music ON at the moment-I’ll make it optional later- but it can be turned off if it isn’t to your liking by the link at the bottom right ( looks like an equalizer)

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Anyone had a mentor?

I just read ( and replied) to a blog called PHOTOALLIES by Greg Clarke- he's trying to establish a "mentoring program" with the ASMP ( American Society of Media Photographers) in LA.
I know, I know, you're thinking "C- what's that got to do with me?"
I don't really know- actually. maybe something, maybe nothing....
But If you've ever had someone mentor you and/or take you under their wing to show you how to be a photographer, then go over to his blog and reply on his post- I think the first step on any path is to ask for help and he has.
Think of it as "payback"....

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

what is art?

"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." ~Aristotle

I found this quote from someone in the "flickr stream" and loved it.
I think that this thought is what elevates anyones passion ( photography for me) to the next level- finding out what something means to you; then translating that into a "share-able" experience for someone else.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

back from the "land of the bed"...

Getting sick sucks! Sometimes you may think that a small break would be nice- or just deing "a little sick" on a pretty day would be OK; but when it HITS you, it's never "just a little" or "nice to be off."
For the past week, I've been down with a respritory infection that had me too sore to lay down and too weak to get up- definetly not my favorite way to be off from work!
But it does make you slow down and take a look at things- For the first time- I felt like I'm in a good place in my life . I was able to take off sick- and know things would be OK- I had a dog who brought me his toys and a cat who slept with me for company, a wife who was worried about me; things could've been worse....
Anyway, I'm back upright and moving ( maybe shouldn't be after all...) and back to work. I'll try and post something more interesting next week after I get caught up a little.

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Monday, March 03, 2008

More from Dayton

I don't know what the name of this building is, but I liked the architectural details in it. From the Gothic Arch windows to the copper balls on the top near the building's windows. I rarely get to see much of the cities that I travel to on business- but I'm determined to make more time-and hook up with "the locals" to see more of places I visit!

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First in Flight

This is the "Flyover" sculpture in Dayton Ohio. It was created by artist David Black and represents the first flight of Orville and Wilber Wright.

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More from Dayton Ohio

I thought this was interesting....It's the Chandelier located in the Crowne Plaza Hotel (next to the Dayton Convention Center) The sun was just coming thru the window as I was walking by and was lighting up the crystals! It sort of looks like an ice waterfall...ok, ok, you had to be there....but it really was pretty-LOL

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Professional Photographers of Ohio Convention

Dayton Convention Center

PPS Trade Show Booth
Just back from the Professional Photographers of Ohio's annual convention and tradeshow- the weather was great, which made for a good event.
I'd like to give a "shout out" to David Ziser, photographer extraordinaire! I recognized him and his lovely wife LaDawn from his blog at Digital Pro Talk and went to say "HI"
He laughed and was excited to know I was a "dailey reader" of his blog and was happy to meet with me. A very courteous and humble man ( as well as telented) LaDawn as gracious as she was beautiful- they are quite the pair!
we had a good laugh at his "celebrity status" and went on our way. But it was nice to know the ground touched his feet just the same as everybody elses; and he was aware of that too.

I'll be posting a few more photos from this weekend in the next few days, so check back in!

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